Voglio dimostrare che l’IA non è soltanto un mezzo tecnologico, ma un potente strumento creativo che gli artisti possono sfruttare per dare vita a opere innovative e di forte impatto visivo.
I would like to prove that AI is not just "another technology", but a new tool that artists can use to create innovative and eye-catching works of art.
The "Lady with Ananas" is part of "The Ladies" a series of Portraits of women in 19th century dresses adorned with food such as pasta, fruits, vegetables or shellfish.
The image is printed on 15x20 Fine Art paper and framed in a gilded photo frame.
Arte e tecnologia si intrecciano nella mia pratica creativa. Lavorando per oltre vent’anni in un centro di ricerca, ho scoperto il potenziale dell’IA nell’arte e ho promosso scuole scientifiche per mettere in dialogo artisti, filosofi ed esperti di intelligenza artificiale. Dopo essermi specializzata in arte contemporanea, ho iniziato a sperimentare l’uso dell’IA nella creazione artistica, esplorando il machine learning per generare nuove idee. La mia pratica combina tecniche tradizionali e digitali per dimostrare che l’IA non è solo uno strumento, ma un mezzo per espandere i confini della creatività.
I am a creator driven by curiosity about the fusion of art and technology. With over twenty years as a communication technologist in a research center, I discovered AI through the work of researchers and became fascinated by its synergy with human creativity. This led me to design and promote two science schools fostering dialogue between artists, philosophers, and AI experts. After earning a master’s in contemporary art, I began experimenting with AI, using machine learning to generate new ideas. My work blends painting, sculpture, photography, and digital graphics, merging tradition and innovation. I see AI not just as a tool but as a transformative medium that expands creative possibilities.
Nicoletta Zonchello, alias Nikzone, nasce in un contesto familiare cosmopolita, un nonno francese, una nonna irlandese, la mamma argentina. Si è laureata con lode in Lettere moderne e in Scienze della produzione multimediale. Per oltre vent'anni si è occupata di comunicazione per il CRS4, centro di ricerca multidisciplinare fondato dal premio Nobel Carlo Rubbia. Fino al 2021 ha progettato e co-diretto la scuola scientifica EIA Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Art, scuola scientifica del CRS4 finanziata da Sardegna Ricerche, sui rapporti tra tecnologia e arte e sul ruolo dell’intelligenza artificiale nella produzione culturale contemporanea. In seguito ha creato EIA FACTORY, associazione per lo studio e la sperimentazione di nuove tecnologie applicate all’arte. Dal 2022 si dedica interamente alla ricerca personale sui temi legati all’arte mediata dalle nuove tecnologie e alla sua produzione artistica. Dal 2024 è la direttrice artistica del centro culturale d’arte MAB di Bari Sardo.
Tra le sue più recenti mostre personali, curate da Caterina Ghisu:
Food Obsession (2023) – Thotel, Cagliari
Il casalingo perfetto (2024) – Centro culturale d’arte Il Ghetto,
CagliariAnimalia Mirabilia (2024) – Spazio Bar Università, Sassari
Nicoletta Zonchello, alias Nikzone, was born into a cosmopolitan family, with a French grandfather, an Irish grandmother, and an Argentine mother. She graduated with honors in Modern Literature and Multimedia Production Sciences. For over twenty years, she worked in communication at CRS4, a multidisciplinary research center founded by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia.
Until 2021, she designed and co-directed EIA – Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Art, a scientific school within CRS4 funded by Sardegna Ricerche, focused on the relationship between technology and art and the role of artificial intelligence in contemporary cultural production. She later founded EIA FACTORY, an association dedicated to the study and experimentation of new technologies applied to art.
Since 2022, she has devoted herself entirely to personal research on themes related to technology-mediated art and artistic production. In 2024, she became the artistic director of MAB – Contemporary Art Cultural Center in Bari Sardo.
Among her most recent solo exhibitions, curated by Caterina Ghisu:
Food Obsession (2023) – Thotel, Cagliari
Il casalingo perfetto (2024) – Centro culturale d’arte Il Ghetto, Cagliari
Animalia Mirabilia (2024) – Spazio Bar Università, Sassari
Details of products and shipping
- Poster (unframed): Printed over a 180g paper with fullcolor inkjet.
- Poster (framed): Printed over a 180g paper with fullcolor inkjet with 1,5cm black frame covered by a 1mm raw glass.
- Fine Art Print: Printed over Hahnemuhle William Turner 190gsm over Kapa Mount 10mm.
Authenticity seal
Each work will be sealed to guarantee its originality.
Secure delivery
All "Posters" are shipped rolled in a protective hard PVC tube.
All "Framed, unframed and Fine Art Print" are shipped in a protective packing.